



  我喜歡裡面的一首同名插曲cloud dancer,多貼切啊,看著飛機飛行,放出白色的煙,旋轉、空翻、交替飛行,駕駛員享受著風帶來的壓力和快感,彷彿在無人之境,努力呈現自我,向極限挑戰,多麼美好。不同於悍衛戰士(Top Gun)那種練習和殺敵,他們只是和自己與朋友挑戰,向更好的技術邁進。看著飛機在空中飛行,心裡有一種達感。人也許無法對抗對心引力,但還是可以藉由飛機來實現不可能的任務,如同在雲中漫步一般。


A lone hawk skates gracefully across silent skies
wispy fingers of mist caressing his bronzed wings
his restless warrior's heart seeking...
searching ceaselessly
high above this sullen earth.

Perched in the trees she watches.

tracking his progress with wary, longing eyes.
Yearning to join him...
Cloud dancer, sky walker,
crying his haunting songs

In one heart shattering moment
her hungry heart swollen with love, seeing his huge graceful form
swooping through the early evening's light,
she soars...

Rising.... she surfs the wind,
calling him...
enticing him with her sirens song...
swooping through the clouds,
winged enchantress of the northern skies.

Aloft, they soar
above the surly ruins of this planet
and kiss the face of God
with sea scented feathers

and dance with angels
among the stars.
